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The Final Blog

By: Angela Dela Cruz What started off as taking a class in order to fulfill a requirement, ended up as a mind opening learning experience. I originally chose Exploring Your Digital Portfolio because it had attributes that I needed, but this course taught me how to do things I could never do before. From creating a blog, to content to curation, to even building a website, I have gained advanced knowledge on how to utilize the internet. The impending doom of graduation looms before us all, and this course has taught me that as the internet develops, we must also develop our digital presence. One of the ways I developed my digital presence was through creating a twitter account , which I have never used in my life. It was daunting at first, but through constant use it became an effortless means of sharing and communicating with other people. I have always used social media as a means of connecting with friends and family for fun, but this class has made me realized that as I am near

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