Tools for Presentation

By: Angela Dela Cruz

In this week's class we learned about multiple platforms for presentations, in order to create something more unique than a powerpoint. One of the way's to present is through the program Prezi, and it is an elaborate template that allows people to write anywhere they want. People are able to write words and add images on slides, and slides can be placed anywhere on the template. It is very different because the presentation "travels" across the template as users go from one slide to another, showing all the twists and turns. Haiku Deck is also an excellent program because it limits the amount of bullet points users may write, forcing presenters to explain instead of just read off the slide. This is a better way of presenting as people are able to focus more on the presenter's words instead of trying to read off a slide. Users choose an image which fills the whole slide making it a very image based presentation, meaning that the audience will see a picture instead of a long paragraph on a slide, forcing them to pay attention to what the presenter is explaining. Lastly, Sway is an online canvas for presentations that allows a lot of customization. The program is owned by Microsoft, and has three different layouts; vertical or horizontal, which are usually used for storytelling, and slideshow, which is normally used for presentation. Users are allowed to add videos, images, and add cool features such as making text scroll over an image, giving a more interesting presentation. 

An article by the Ned Potter states that presentation boredom can be a significant barrier to academic communication. Prezi is a new alternative since it a non-linear format, but a zooming presentation tool that allows a lot of customization. Users can ignore a pre-made path that a template already has and can completely rearrange an existing one, or create a new one, changing how the the presentation travels. They can position objects, texts, images, or even embed videos and graphics. However, it is important to pace your Prezi sensibly so that you do not zoom around or spin too fast, which can give viewers motion sickness.

George William's article on Haiku Deck emphasizes the simplicity and elegance of this program. It is extremely effortless to use and prevents users from creating a cluttered presentation since it is restricted to a bullet list of only five points, or two lines of text. Adding images has never been easier since it is merely a drag and drop method. Many favor an image based presentation so that they are not distracted with trying to read the slide while an individual presents, allowing them to pay more attention to the individual's words.

In addition, Microsoft Sway is another creative way to produce presentations. In an article by Stu Robarts, it states that the purpose of Sway is "to convey concepts quickly, easily, and clearly". The interface is based around a storyline, and users add a serious of cards. The cards are filled with content which can be grouped into categories or sections. There is also a unique option that allows users to import an existing Word document, Powerpoint, or PDF document, which can be converted into a Sway story with headings, text, and media automatically broken up into relevant cards and sections. The ease of this program may prove it to be more favorable than a basic powerpoint.

After talking about different platforms for presentations, Jamie Sinclair is an American curler who Skype called our class in order to show us the most beneficial way to use social media. Because of her social media presence, such as her Instagram, and her Youtube, she was able to find a job as a commentator for the US Winter Olympics. Her first important tip was to create a logo, because branding is key and it helps viewers associate the logo with the person. She also got on all social media platforms and said that consistency is vital, meaning to post regularly and to interact with followers. Her advice was not to post every day to prevent viewers from being bombarded with tweets or pictures but to post enough so that her followers see her regularly/ weekly. Jamie stressed that in order to keep followers, she had to keep them engaged by doing giveaways, contests, and answering tweets and comments because replying makes you seem more human. Through her smart use of social media, she was able to build her own opportunities.

In chapter 3 of Untangling the Web, it talks about how the standard method of presentation has been Powerpoint, however there are so many more options to explore. A program that is useful for sharing presentations to others is Slideshare, and it shares not only Powerpoints but Keynote presentations, PDFs, and Word Documents. Once something is posted, people can actually view it and flip through the content instead of clicking a link first. The content is policed by the community to precent spam or inappropriate content. There is another program called Poll Everywhere and it allows users to create a poll which could be used by many educators. Users just enter the question they want to ask and add the answers, then click submit. It is effortless to use and is another way of user interaction.


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